Acumenian Discover what's not evident. Tue, 05 Dec 2023 11:53:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Convert Information Treasures to Powerful Knowledge Tue, 05 Dec 2023 11:53:09 +0000

We all know that data is everywhere, and you may even have heard it is the new oil. But just like oil, if unrefined, there is not much you can do with it. One must convert the raw substance to plastic or gas to create value. This same principle applies to data, as one must break it down and analyze it to create value.

What is data analytics?

Analytics is the process of drilling into raw data and drawing insights and conclusions from it. Data analytics techniques can reveal new metrics and trends that would otherwise get lost in the mass of information.

Analytics Changes the Game

Every business, be it small or big, generates data. This data can be from logistics, marketing research, project management, customer feedback, and so on. You can collect that data, but it will only be helpful with the correct analysis tools and methods. Even if you observe unusual patterns within your data, you might need more insight to make valid conclusions.
With data analysis, you can evaluate your data before making actionable plans. Leaders can use the outcome of analytics to improve and optimize processes and increase the efficiency of operations in a business. You may obtain strategic visibility from obscured datasets and discover what’s not evident with analytic methods. 
Companies that see the benefits of data analytics and data management are becoming more effective. Analyzing and working with data leads to better decision-making, which leads to more efficient business operations and, ultimately, better business overall.

 Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are critical indicators of progress toward an intended result. KPIs provide the focus to improve operations in a timely and strategic manner, creating an analysis platform to make decisions focused on what matters most to you.

Mining and Cleaning Data

Analytics professionals perform data mining to extract usable data from a large dataset. It involves data collection, warehousing, and computer processing. They must clean data when collected to work with it, so data cleansing is crucial before you begin analyzing your data.

Data Visualization and Business Intelligence

Data visualization presents a clear picture of what the data is telling us. Data visualization makes the data easier for those making business decisions to comprehend using visuals such as bar graphs or tables. Business intelligence (BI) is the end game. It leverages analytics tools to convert data to actionable insights. Often paired with data visualization techniques, BI provides decision-makers with detailed intel about the state of the business. There are multiple BI tools to help with this process, and some of them are quite well-known in the field, such as Power BI, SAP, or Tableau.

In a world increasingly becoming reliant on information and collecting statistics, analytics helps individuals and organizations make use of their data. Using various tools and techniques, expert analysts can transform a set of raw numbers into informative insights that drive decision-making and thoughtful management. If your business is not making good use of data, chances are your rivals already are, leaving you at a severe competitive disadvantage.

Acumenian’s analysts are professionals who will take the time to investigate and help you define numerous measures, such as how to improve project workflows or where to reduce operational costs. We can help you throughout the process, from identifying new KPIs to finally using that data to tell the story that will facilitate decision-making for your business.
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Federal Funds in Puerto Rico Tue, 05 Dec 2023 11:53:08 +0000


Since the ravages of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, earthquakes, and COVID-19, in Puerto Rico, federal funds have been a constant conversation in all island sectors. These funds from federal agencies, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Community Development Building Grants (CDBG, Department of Housing), the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA), and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), help both public and private sectors to start recovery projects, capital improvements, have better operations, and even establish mitigation and resilience projects against future natural disasters.
But in February this year, a local newspaper published the survey results on disaster recovery, and the population expressed that they have yet to see progress on this issue. In public opinion forums and even in our personal closest circles, the general impression is that the injection of federal funds needs to translate into an evident impact on our society’s daily life.
How can the public and private sectors make better use of, establish good practices and successfully carry out projects that benefit the community using federal funds? To respond, we should answer jet another question:

What is effective management of Federal Funds, and what does it entail?

First, it is necessary to define what federal funds are. According to the Office of Management and Budget (OGPe) of the Puerto Rico Government, federal funds are: “Contributions made by the Government of the United States for educational, health, social welfare, employment, permanent improvements, and other programs. These resources do not require legislative action since federal legislation determines their use.”
Once we understand how the responsible agency defines federal funds, the next question is, who can manage the funds assigned to Puerto Rico? The answer is varied. The managers of federal funds can be both the public sector (this sector can include: agencies, public corporations, and municipalities) or the private sector (this sector can include: non-profit organizations, universities, and hospitals). A successful grant management team distinguishes itself by its results—experience and dedication to successfully assisting public and private sector clients in managing the federal funds assigned to them. In short, all sectors offering services to citizens can be recipients and need an effective grant management team.

How can potential recipients of federal funds take advantage of the opportunity federal funds provide for the services they offer?

The first step should be to assess the organization’s or agency’s needs. For example, an organization that provides services to the elderly population or people with functional diversity has identified that its beneficiaries must constantly attend medical appointments or treatments to improve their quality of life. Another example of a need might be a community hit by hurricanes that would like to improve its resilience to natural disasters.
Once the need or problem is clearly defined, the next step is to formulate how to solve it. Most likely, capital (budget) is needed to undertake activities that help meet the identified needs. This capital in Puerto Rico mostly comes from the federal government, which allocates it to local agencies to be distributed or assigned to recipients on the island.

So, if federal funds are available to meet a broad spectrum of needs, why are they not acquired or used in a way that uses all its potential to impact our society’s daily life?

Our team has seen firsthand how non-recommended practices and deficiencies affect development and fundraising.
Lack of knowledge
Lack of organization
Lack of staff
Lack of structure
Documentation issues
Language problems
One of the leading causes identified from that list is the need for more knowledge of the availability of funds, which many potential recipients of funds ignore they can apply for. Other recipients requested the funds but needed to comply with the necessary structure in the information management that guarantees to obtain the requested funds. As part of our experiences managing federal funds, some clients must be aware of the organization and planning required to control their programs better.

The Roadmap to Successful Federal Funds Management

Once our Federal Fund Management Team integrates with the client’s team, they analyze the client’s current status and draw an action plan. It is a roadmap with objectives and actions where all the parties responsible for the tasks execute in synchronicity to meet the goals established by the client.
It often needs to be made clear to federally funded staff that, to be successful, they must go through a pre-award planning process to obtain the necessary grants to complete projects. Let’s use the example of an organization that offers services to the aging population. The organization has already identified a need to transport users to medical appointments or essential services. Now, the organization must find staff dedicated to obtaining external funds in its structure and how these staff can coordinate with the relevant agencies to get funds. The Agencies generally establish windows of opportunity for organizations to submit their federal proposals. To submit the proposal, the team must evaluate ALL requirements since the approval or denial of the projects will depend on this. A good practice is to have a current plan with the vision and mission, to be up to date with the documentation of all the services provided, detailed financial information, and other pertinent documentation that helps justify the submitted proposal.

A good planning process (pre-award) is the key to effectively obtaining funds.

Once the grants of funds are obtained (award phase), the organization must prepare for the following steps, mainly the use of the funds received.
Following the example of the organization, they managed to obtain funds for the transportation of their users. They determined in their proposal that they would acquire vehicles to mobilize their users. The organization must begin a process of acquisition of goods or services (procurement). To carry out the purchase, the provisions of 2 CFR 200 (UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS, COST PRINCIPLES, AND AUDIT REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDERAL AWARDS) and the additional requirements according to the Federal Agency that is offering the funds must always be followed. All the organization and planning carried out in the pre-award process will help expedite the acquisition of goods or services in a structured and efficient manner.
After the grant stage (award pass), the fund management process moves to the closing stage of post-award. In the post-award phase, the team completed the goods or services acquisition or project X is already in its final stages. In the closing stage, the entity (following the example) must, as at the beginning, be organized and have the required documentation to comply with the initial plan. Depending on the agency you are working with, the closing processes may vary, but they should always follow the provisions of 2 CFR 200.

Recommendations for the successful management of federal funds

Successful federal funding management depends on many factors, but Acumenian has identified some recommendations based on experience:
Organization and Planning: Every agency or organization receiving federal funds must self-examine, identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), organize its federal fund’s office, and establish plans to justify the needs or projects. They need to be able to provide 100% service.
Teamwork: Many times, the management of federal funds falls to one or a few people when, in reality, they need different talents and resources to achieve effective governance—for example, finance, legal, human resources, and even operational staff. A committed work team can make your organization or agency successful.
Documentation: Sometimes, due to ignorance, teams leave uncompleted documentation or not fully documented followed processes. For this reason, it is essential to document all federal processes to achieve the projects and, in many cases, receive reimbursements for the activities carried out.

Acumenian has a team to help public and private organizations in all these processes and steps necessary to identify federal funding opportunities and get and execute them. We are a management consulting firm specializing in Advisory, Technology, and Analytics and provide visibility of crucial data and optimize processes, systems, and decisions.

Opportunity for Development and Success

Since the ravages of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, earthquakes, and COVID-19, in Puerto Rico, federal funds have been a constant conversation in all island sectors. These funds from federal agencies, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Community Development Building Grants (CDBG, Department of Housing), the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA), and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), help both public and private sectors to start recovery projects, capital improvements, have better operations, and even establish mitigation and resilience projects against future natural disasters.

Reimagining the power of software

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

The software of tomorrow, today

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

Software. Your new superpower.

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

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Acumenian gets recognition for its growth for the 3rd consecutive year Tue, 05 Dec 2023 11:52:48 +0000
In 2023, Acumenian gets recognition for its growth for the 3rd consecutive year. In 2020 as the world was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Inc. Magazine recognized Acumenian for the first time at #62 as one of the fastest-growing companies in the Southeast region of the United States. In 2022, the Financial Times ranked #213 as one of the fastest-growing companies in the Americas. And by 2023, they were the two magazines that recognized Acumenian for its growth.

In an interview with the president of Acumenian, Luis Matos talked about what this means for Acumenian, as well as the following challenges that Acumenian seeks for this 2023, and future years.

Question: What does it mean for Luis Matos that Acumenian got recognition in 2023 by these two magazines?

Luis Matos: “The mere fact of being recognized, for me, is a feeling that there is something that we are doing in Acumenian that gives real value to our work. Internal questions always arise as to whether we are doing what we must do or whether we are diverted in our work, not only at the company level but also personally. These recognitions confirm that we are working in the right direction. I will use an analogy that can relate to this: you always think that your children are the most beautiful of all, and when someone outside your family tells you that your children are beautiful, they validate you. You are happy to know that other people think the same as yourself. So, all the effort that has been made in recent years, such as bringing in the right people, the training, the care that we have given to our people and especially to our clients, and in all these things that we call the “Acumenian Way” when these awards arrive, we reaffirm that we have and do something special that must be protected and cared for. And to mention that it means a lot that it is now 3 consecutive years; it is no longer a coincidence; it is already a reality.”

Question: For Acumenian clients, what does it mean that Acumenian obtains these recognitions?

Luis Matos: This question is initially answered with another question, why do we want to know if Acumenian is among the fastest-growing companies? And it is simply because we are Acumenian and are interested in knowing what could be more obvious. We must expose ourselves to others seeing us from the outside so that what is not evident can be demonstrated. If we are not recognized or do not appear on these lists, we have much to improve. But if we appear on these lists, that shows us that we are on the right track. Now we continue with what is being done well, see that something else has not arrived, and go for it to achieve it.

For our clients, the message is: We are exposing ourselves to the world to see what remains to be achieved to provide our same clients and show that they are our center and we are interested in their success. As part of the “Acumenian Way,” self-demand is essential to continue providing top-quality services. Being on these recognition lists together with world-renowned companies means that Acumenian is at that level of those companies. And not because we’re looking to compete against multinational companies, but to let customers know that when they made the decision to go to Acumenian, they made the right choice.

Question: Do you think the competition knows that Acumenian is being recognized?

Luis Matos: Most likely if they are aware that Acumenian received some recognition, but that is not the purpose. For the most part, our interest is internal, and the noise made afterward is simply part of the recognition. It is not the main goal. It is also a way of giving recognition to our customers. They, too, are part of these results as they have provided opportunities for Acumenian.

Question: What challenges come for Acumenian after receiving these awards?

Luis Matos: The biggest challenge continues to be our clients, to achieve more for them, to help them more and more, to make a difference in their lives, and to discover what is not obvious. That they themselves realize that we, Acumenian, measure our growth and demand ourselves. That we not only do it in the area of growth, that we also do it with cyber security, with IT, with our applications and services. We compare ourselves so that the client does not have to go to the market to see where Acumenian is compared to the rest of the other companies available. Let the client know that in Acumenian, there is a healthy discontent to know that it can always be improved and that we will not rest until we achieve it.

Question: Being recognized as a fast-growing company, in which area has Acumenian grown the most in recent years?

Luis Matos: Acumenian has had a very even growth in our services. In general, our innovation and technology products are for companies with a multinational presence that want to stay at the forefront. At Acumenian, we have noticed that small and medium-sized companies want to advance like large companies. That is why we have created accessible products for these small and medium-sized companies with a world-class level so they can reach this positive evolution in improving their processes, systems, and reports at an earlier stage and an affordable cost.

Question: Which project is currently the most prominent at Acumenian?

Luis Matos: We currently have several projects running that are very important. For our clients with an international presence, to present the most relevant information accurately and efficiently, within their decision-making environment. Due to our geographic location with frequent natural disasters, Acumenian has established itself and grown as experts in Emergency Management and Management of Federal Emergency Funds. And as already mentioned, being able to provide small and medium-sized companies with access to world-class technology. At Acumenian we focus on providing this type of technology and having it available to our clients to manage their entire company with a lower investment. Innovation and technology are our primary focus; geographically, we have an impact throughout the United States, although the Southeast has been the main performance area.

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Federal Funds in Puerto Rico Wed, 16 Aug 2023 20:59:55 +0000


Since the ravages of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, earthquakes, and COVID-19, in Puerto Rico, federal funds have been a constant conversation in all island sectors. These funds from federal agencies, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Community Development Building Grants (CDBG, Department of Housing), the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA), and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), help both public and private sectors to start recovery projects, capital improvements, have better operations, and even establish mitigation and resilience projects against future natural disasters.
But in February this year, a local newspaper published the survey results on disaster recovery, and the population expressed that they have yet to see progress on this issue. In public opinion forums and even in our personal closest circles, the general impression is that the injection of federal funds needs to translate into an evident impact on our society’s daily life.
How can the public and private sectors make better use of, establish good practices and successfully carry out projects that benefit the community using federal funds? To respond, we should answer jet another question:

What is effective management of Federal Funds, and what does it entail?

First, it is necessary to define what federal funds are. According to the Office of Management and Budget (OGPe) of the Puerto Rico Government, federal funds are: “Contributions made by the Government of the United States for educational, health, social welfare, employment, permanent improvements, and other programs. These resources do not require legislative action since federal legislation determines their use.”
Once we understand how the responsible agency defines federal funds, the next question is, who can manage the funds assigned to Puerto Rico? The answer is varied. The managers of federal funds can be both the public sector (this sector can include: agencies, public corporations, and municipalities) or the private sector (this sector can include: non-profit organizations, universities, and hospitals). A successful grant management team distinguishes itself by its results—experience and dedication to successfully assisting public and private sector clients in managing the federal funds assigned to them. In short, all sectors offering services to citizens can be recipients and need an effective grant management team.

How can potential recipients of federal funds take advantage of the opportunity federal funds provide for the services they offer?

The first step should be to assess the organization’s or agency’s needs. For example, an organization that provides services to the elderly population or people with functional diversity has identified that its beneficiaries must constantly attend medical appointments or treatments to improve their quality of life. Another example of a need might be a community hit by hurricanes that would like to improve its resilience to natural disasters.
Once the need or problem is clearly defined, the next step is to formulate how to solve it. Most likely, capital (budget) is needed to undertake activities that help meet the identified needs. This capital in Puerto Rico mostly comes from the federal government, which allocates it to local agencies to be distributed or assigned to recipients on the island.

So, if federal funds are available to meet a broad spectrum of needs, why are they not acquired or used in a way that uses all its potential to impact our society’s daily life?

Our team has seen firsthand how non-recommended practices and deficiencies affect development and fundraising.
Lack of knowledge
Lack of organization
Lack of staff
Lack of structure
Documentation issues
Language problems
One of the leading causes identified from that list is the need for more knowledge of the availability of funds, which many potential recipients of funds ignore they can apply for. Other recipients requested the funds but needed to comply with the necessary structure in the information management that guarantees to obtain the requested funds. As part of our experiences managing federal funds, some clients must be aware of the organization and planning required to control their programs better.

The Roadmap to Successful Federal Funds Management

Once our Federal Fund Management Team integrates with the client’s team, they analyze the client’s current status and draw an action plan. It is a roadmap with objectives and actions where all the parties responsible for the tasks execute in synchronicity to meet the goals established by the client.
It often needs to be made clear to federally funded staff that, to be successful, they must go through a pre-award planning process to obtain the necessary grants to complete projects. Let’s use the example of an organization that offers services to the aging population. The organization has already identified a need to transport users to medical appointments or essential services. Now, the organization must find staff dedicated to obtaining external funds in its structure and how these staff can coordinate with the relevant agencies to get funds. The Agencies generally establish windows of opportunity for organizations to submit their federal proposals. To submit the proposal, the team must evaluate ALL requirements since the approval or denial of the projects will depend on this. A good practice is to have a current plan with the vision and mission, to be up to date with the documentation of all the services provided, detailed financial information, and other pertinent documentation that helps justify the submitted proposal.

A good planning process (pre-award) is the key to effectively obtaining funds.

Once the grants of funds are obtained (award phase), the organization must prepare for the following steps, mainly the use of the funds received.
Following the example of the organization, they managed to obtain funds for the transportation of their users. They determined in their proposal that they would acquire vehicles to mobilize their users. The organization must begin a process of acquisition of goods or services (procurement). To carry out the purchase, the provisions of 2 CFR 200 (UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS, COST PRINCIPLES, AND AUDIT REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDERAL AWARDS) and the additional requirements according to the Federal Agency that is offering the funds must always be followed. All the organization and planning carried out in the pre-award process will help expedite the acquisition of goods or services in a structured and efficient manner.
After the grant stage (award pass), the fund management process moves to the closing stage of post-award. In the post-award phase, the team completed the goods or services acquisition or project X is already in its final stages. In the closing stage, the entity (following the example) must, as at the beginning, be organized and have the required documentation to comply with the initial plan. Depending on the agency you are working with, the closing processes may vary, but they should always follow the provisions of 2 CFR 200.

Recommendations for the successful management of federal funds

Successful federal funding management depends on many factors, but Acumenian has identified some recommendations based on experience:
Organization and Planning: Every agency or organization receiving federal funds must self-examine, identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), organize its federal fund’s office, and establish plans to justify the needs or projects. They need to be able to provide 100% service.
Teamwork: Many times, the management of federal funds falls to one or a few people when, in reality, they need different talents and resources to achieve effective governance—for example, finance, legal, human resources, and even operational staff. A committed work team can make your organization or agency successful.
Documentation: Sometimes, due to ignorance, teams leave uncompleted documentation or not fully documented followed processes. For this reason, it is essential to document all federal processes to achieve the projects and, in many cases, receive reimbursements for the activities carried out.

Acumenian has a team to help public and private organizations in all these processes and steps necessary to identify federal funding opportunities and get and execute them. We are a management consulting firm specializing in Advisory, Technology, and Analytics and provide visibility of crucial data and optimize processes, systems, and decisions.

Opportunity for Development and Success

Since the ravages of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, earthquakes, and COVID-19, in Puerto Rico, federal funds have been a constant conversation in all island sectors. These funds from federal agencies, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Community Development Building Grants (CDBG, Department of Housing), the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA), and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), help both public and private sectors to start recovery projects, capital improvements, have better operations, and even establish mitigation and resilience projects against future natural disasters.

Reimagining the power of software

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

The software of tomorrow, today

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

Software. Your new superpower.

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

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Convert Information Treasures to Powerful Knowledge Wed, 16 Aug 2023 20:59:45 +0000

We all know that data is everywhere, and you may even have heard it is the new oil. But just like oil, if unrefined, there is not much you can do with it. One must convert the raw substance to plastic or gas to create value. This same principle applies to data, as one must break it down and analyze it to create value.

What is data analytics?

Analytics is the process of drilling into raw data and drawing insights and conclusions from it. Data analytics techniques can reveal new metrics and trends that would otherwise get lost in the mass of information.

Analytics Changes the Game

Every business, be it small or big, generates data. This data can be from logistics, marketing research, project management, customer feedback, and so on. You can collect that data, but it will only be helpful with the correct analysis tools and methods. Even if you observe unusual patterns within your data, you might need more insight to make valid conclusions.
With data analysis, you can evaluate your data before making actionable plans. Leaders can use the outcome of analytics to improve and optimize processes and increase the efficiency of operations in a business. You may obtain strategic visibility from obscured datasets and discover what’s not evident with analytic methods. 
Companies that see the benefits of data analytics and data management are becoming more effective. Analyzing and working with data leads to better decision-making, which leads to more efficient business operations and, ultimately, better business overall.

 Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are critical indicators of progress toward an intended result. KPIs provide the focus to improve operations in a timely and strategic manner, creating an analysis platform to make decisions focused on what matters most to you.

Mining and Cleaning Data

Analytics professionals perform data mining to extract usable data from a large dataset. It involves data collection, warehousing, and computer processing. They must clean data when collected to work with it, so data cleansing is crucial before you begin analyzing your data.

Data Visualization and Business Intelligence

Data visualization presents a clear picture of what the data is telling us. Data visualization makes the data easier for those making business decisions to comprehend using visuals such as bar graphs or tables. Business intelligence (BI) is the end game. It leverages analytics tools to convert data to actionable insights. Often paired with data visualization techniques, BI provides decision-makers with detailed intel about the state of the business. There are multiple BI tools to help with this process, and some of them are quite well-known in the field, such as Power BI, SAP, or Tableau.

In a world increasingly becoming reliant on information and collecting statistics, analytics helps individuals and organizations make use of their data. Using various tools and techniques, expert analysts can transform a set of raw numbers into informative insights that drive decision-making and thoughtful management. If your business is not making good use of data, chances are your rivals already are, leaving you at a severe competitive disadvantage.

Acumenian’s analysts are professionals who will take the time to investigate and help you define numerous measures, such as how to improve project workflows or where to reduce operational costs. We can help you throughout the process, from identifying new KPIs to finally using that data to tell the story that will facilitate decision-making for your business.
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Acumenian gets recognition for its growth for the 3rd consecutive year Wed, 16 Aug 2023 14:08:31 +0000
In 2023, Acumenian gets recognition for its growth for the 3rd consecutive year. In 2020 as the world was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Inc. Magazine recognized Acumenian for the first time at #62 as one of the fastest-growing companies in the Southeast region of the United States. In 2022, the Financial Times ranked #213 as one of the fastest-growing companies in the Americas. And by 2023, they were the two magazines that recognized Acumenian for its growth.

In an interview with the president of Acumenian, Luis Matos talked about what this means for Acumenian, as well as the following challenges that Acumenian seeks for this 2023, and future years.

Question: What does it mean for Luis Matos that Acumenian got recognition in 2023 by these two magazines?

Luis Matos: “The mere fact of being recognized, for me, is a feeling that there is something that we are doing in Acumenian that gives real value to our work. Internal questions always arise as to whether we are doing what we must do or whether we are diverted in our work, not only at the company level but also personally. These recognitions confirm that we are working in the right direction. I will use an analogy that can relate to this: you always think that your children are the most beautiful of all, and when someone outside your family tells you that your children are beautiful, they validate you. You are happy to know that other people think the same as yourself. So, all the effort that has been made in recent years, such as bringing in the right people, the training, the care that we have given to our people and especially to our clients, and in all these things that we call the “Acumenian Way” when these awards arrive, we reaffirm that we have and do something special that must be protected and cared for. And to mention that it means a lot that it is now 3 consecutive years; it is no longer a coincidence; it is already a reality.”

Question: For Acumenian clients, what does it mean that Acumenian obtains these recognitions?

Luis Matos: This question is initially answered with another question, why do we want to know if Acumenian is among the fastest-growing companies? And it is simply because we are Acumenian and are interested in knowing what could be more obvious. We must expose ourselves to others seeing us from the outside so that what is not evident can be demonstrated. If we are not recognized or do not appear on these lists, we have much to improve. But if we appear on these lists, that shows us that we are on the right track. Now we continue with what is being done well, see that something else has not arrived, and go for it to achieve it.

For our clients, the message is: We are exposing ourselves to the world to see what remains to be achieved to provide our same clients and show that they are our center and we are interested in their success. As part of the “Acumenian Way,” self-demand is essential to continue providing top-quality services. Being on these recognition lists together with world-renowned companies means that Acumenian is at that level of those companies. And not because we’re looking to compete against multinational companies, but to let customers know that when they made the decision to go to Acumenian, they made the right choice.

Question: Do you think the competition knows that Acumenian is being recognized?

Luis Matos: Most likely if they are aware that Acumenian received some recognition, but that is not the purpose. For the most part, our interest is internal, and the noise made afterward is simply part of the recognition. It is not the main goal. It is also a way of giving recognition to our customers. They, too, are part of these results as they have provided opportunities for Acumenian.

Question: What challenges come for Acumenian after receiving these awards?

Luis Matos: The biggest challenge continues to be our clients, to achieve more for them, to help them more and more, to make a difference in their lives, and to discover what is not obvious. That they themselves realize that we, Acumenian, measure our growth and demand ourselves. That we not only do it in the area of growth, that we also do it with cyber security, with IT, with our applications and services. We compare ourselves so that the client does not have to go to the market to see where Acumenian is compared to the rest of the other companies available. Let the client know that in Acumenian, there is a healthy discontent to know that it can always be improved and that we will not rest until we achieve it.

Question: Being recognized as a fast-growing company, in which area has Acumenian grown the most in recent years?

Luis Matos: Acumenian has had a very even growth in our services. In general, our innovation and technology products are for companies with a multinational presence that want to stay at the forefront. At Acumenian, we have noticed that small and medium-sized companies want to advance like large companies. That is why we have created accessible products for these small and medium-sized companies with a world-class level so they can reach this positive evolution in improving their processes, systems, and reports at an earlier stage and an affordable cost.

Question: Which project is currently the most prominent at Acumenian?

Luis Matos: We currently have several projects running that are very important. For our clients with an international presence, to present the most relevant information accurately and efficiently, within their decision-making environment. Due to our geographic location with frequent natural disasters, Acumenian has established itself and grown as experts in Emergency Management and Management of Federal Emergency Funds. And as already mentioned, being able to provide small and medium-sized companies with access to world-class technology. At Acumenian we focus on providing this type of technology and having it available to our clients to manage their entire company with a lower investment. Innovation and technology are our primary focus; geographically, we have an impact throughout the United States, although the Southeast has been the main performance area.

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